#2 Building an IP Portfolio for MedTech Startups

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πŸ“Œ Here you can download the entire guide "Building an IP Portfolio for MedTech Startups" by Stephen Carter: πŸ‘‰ https://profwurzer.com/diplex/docs/patents-for-medical-technologies/digital-medicine-and-patents/

πŸ“Œ πŸ”—dIPlex page Patents for Medical Technologies by Stephen Carter πŸ‘‰ https://profwurzer.com/diplex/docs/patents-for-medical-technologies/

πŸ“Œ Online Marketing Guide β€œGroups and Personas for IP Experts” with Stephen Carter πŸ‘‰ https://ipbusinessacademy.org/how-to-define-target-groups-and-personas-as-an-ip-expert

πŸ“Œ How Start-up MedTech Companies Can Protect Their IP by Stephen Carter πŸ‘‰ https://theintellectualpropertyworks.co.uk/how-start-up-medtech-companies-can-protect-their-ip/

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