#5 SEPs SMEs and IP Audits – a Growing Challenge

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πŸ“Œ Here you can find Robert Pocknell’s detailed blog post on supporting SMEs in SEP matters in the UK: πŸ‘‰ https://ipbusinessacademy.org/emerging-issues-for-smes-and-ip-audits

πŸ“Œ Here you can find the financial support program for SMEs πŸ‘‰ https://www.cipa.org.uk/news/uk-ipo-launches-new-sme-financial-support-scheme-ip-advance/

πŸ“Œ Here is a description of the SEP Resource Hub, which is intended to help companies in the UK navigate the complex SEP ecosystem: πŸ‘‰ https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/seps-resource-hub

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