#7 AI-assisted invention processes
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π Here you can find the πdIPlex page on AI-supported invention processes by Daniel Holzner: π https://profwurzer.com/diplex/docs/ai-assisted-invention-processes/
π Here is the IP Business Talk interview about AI-based invention with Daniel Holzner from ABP Patent Network and Wolfgang Hildesheim IBM Watson:πdIPlex: π https://www.linkedin.com/events/danielholznerandwolfganghildesh7161031939833933824/theater/
π Here you can find the case study in the Master Class at CEIPI with the European Patent Office (MIPLM Master for IP Law and Management) on the application of patentbutler.ai in synthetic invention π https://ipbusinessacademy.org/ai-assisted-inventing-new-case-study-at-the-miplm
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