#9 Innovation Matters for small- and medium-sized mature enterprises to survive

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📌 Here you can find a review of the great book by Vojak and Herbst on the IP Business Academy blog: 👉 https://ipbusinessacademy.org/unlock-your-potential-the-no-excuses-guide-to-innovation

📌 If you are interested in Design Thinking and want to know how to use this method to design IP, then you have to check this out: 👉 https://ipbusinessacademy.org/ip-design-as-agile-method-for-digitizing-a-traditional-brand-hansgrohe-raintunes

📌 If you want to understand how to emotionally bind products to people's needs and develop clever IP strategies, then take a look at this: 👉 https://ipbusinessacademy.org/design-driven-innovation-a-radical-approach-to-product-meaning

📌 Here you can find Bruce Vojak's book " No-Excuses Innovation" published at Stanford University Press: 👉 https://www.sup.org/books/business/no-excuses-innovation

📌 Here you can find Bruce Vojak's consulting practice website home page: 👉 https://www.breakthrough-innovation-advisors.com

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